The following is [The list of the essences of 10 suttas at Section 2 in Pali Canon in the latter part of Gotama Budhism Series.]
The list of the essences of 10 suttas in Pali Canon
1> Eye and light, ear and sound, nose and sound, tongue and taste, body and touch, mind and dhamma are called 'The all.'
2> Body, sensation, perfection, consciousness are the things to be understood.
2-1> Body, [sensation, perfection, consciousness] are the things
to be understood.
2-2> Body is the thing to be understood.
2-3> [sensation, perfection, consciousness] is the thing to be understood.
3> The destruction of (To cease) greed, anger, foolishness is called understanding.
4> The destruction of (To cease) greed, anger, foolishness is called Nibbana.
5> It is the Eightfold Path for the realization of Nibbana to wit:
6> Restraint/destructon of greed, anger, foolishness is called Nibbana/ deathless.
7> The Eightfold Path is the path to Nibbana/deathless, to wit:
8> The Four Truths conduce to the perfect wisdom and Nibbana. Therefore he revealed it.
9> Clansemen of Buddha must be made to understood the Four truths.
10> I am freed from the toil so hard to achieve, linked to naught that could bring me good (sacca).
11> By sati (mindfulness), I have arrived at Nibbana,
12> By sila (precept), sati (mindfulness), samadhi -the Eightfold Path- , I have understood the Four truths.
13> The Eightfold Path is, right living, right effort, right doing, right speaking, right thinking, right sati (mindfulness), right samadhi, right view (the Four Wisdoms),
1. Right living
14> To put away wrong living and to support oneself by right living.
2. Right effort
15>(1) To make effort that evil (greed, anger, foolishness) may not arise,
when evil (greed, anger, foolishness) has not arisen.
15>(2) To make effort that evil (greed, anger, foolishness) may cease, when
evil (greed, anger, foolishness) has arisen.
15>(3) To make effort that good (no-greed, no-anger, no-foolishness) may
arise, when good (no-greed, no-anger, no-foolishness) has not arisen.
15>(4) To make effort that good (no-greed, no-anger, no-foolishness) may not
cease, when good (no-greed, no-anger, no-foolishness) has arisen.
3. Right doing
16>(1) To abstain from killing or injuring living things.
16>(2) To abstain from stealing or taking thing which is not given.
16>(3) To abstain from immmral sex.
4. Right speaking
17>(1) To abstain from double tongued speech.
17>(2) To abstain from malicious speech.
17>(3) To abstain from false speech.
17>(4) To abstain from speaking nonsense.
5. Right thinking
18>(1) thinking of no-greed (araga). You should not think while greed (raga)
18>(1) thinking of no-anger (adosa). You should not think while anger (dosa)
18>(3) thinking of no-foolishness (adosa). You should not think while fool-
ishness (dosa) arises.
6. Right sati (mindfulness)
19>(1) A brother, as to the body, continues so to look upon the body that he
remains mindful, having overcome greed, anger, foolishness.
19>(2) A brother, as to the sensation, continues so to look upon the sensa-
tion that he remains mindful, having overcome greed, anger, foolishness.
19>(3) A brother, as to the mind, continues so to look upon the mind that he
remains mindful, having overcome greed, anger, foolishness.
19>(4) A brother, as to the dhamma/dharma, continues so to look upon the
dhamma/dharma that he remains mindful, having overcome greed, anger,foolishness.
7. Right samadhi
20>(1) The first samadhi; with foggy ideas in mind, to experience samadhi
ste of mind, joy and ease aloof from greed, anger, foolishness (raga,
da, moha).
20>(2) The second samadhi; with no foggy ideas in mind any more, to experi-
ence samadhi joy and ease emanating from samadhi.
20>(3) The third samadhi; aloof from joy, right sati (mndfulness) with
budhi, to experience ease in body and mind. Upekkha arises. Vipassana
20>(4) The fourth samadhi; aloof from ease, right sati (mindfulness) with
buddhi, to experience no-greed, no-anger, no-foolishness (araga,adosa,
8. Right view (the Four Wisdoms)
21>(1) Gotama Buddhism is the teaching about greed, anger, foolishness.
21>(2) The Wisdom about the arising of greed, anger, foolishness.
21>(3) THe Wisdom about the ceasing of greed, anger, foolishness.
21>(4) The Wisdom about the path that leads to the ceasing of greed, anger,
23> Being ignorant about the Four Truths is called ignorance.
24> Being foolish about the Four Wisdoms is called foolishiness.
25> The Eigtfold Path is the path to understand the Four Truths to wit;
27> Of a monk who has right view (the Four Wisdoms), it may be expected that
he will understand the Four Truths.
Extra <Spoken by the Tathagata>
The Tathagata has gained the eightfold path.
The Four Truths:
1. The teaching of the Tathagata is the teaching of Ill.
2. The Truth about the arising of Ill the craving that lingers longingly now
here, now there.
3. The Truth about the ceasing of Ill is the ceasing of the craving.
4. The Truth about the path that leads to the ceasing of Ill is the Eight-
fold path.